Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Easter. Show all posts

Sunday, March 31, 2013

{Easter inspiration}

     Have you seen the commercial that say's "Save the chocolate bunnies?" It is a toy company telling us to put more toys in our kids {{Easter baskets}}. Well I have been doing something even better then that for a few years now. Last year I got Megan a cute Easter basket with a bunch of different health stuff, some vitamins and {{marshmallow tea.}} I did it because we were both trying to lose weight, and candy was just a bad idea! Megan was still having some health issues, and I wanted to help. I went to the local health store and was able to find every thing I wanted (most of which you can get at Walmart as well.) 

     This year, I have decided to do it again! I did more fun baskets for us, with things we can use daily, or are inspirational. I included in Megan's this year a salad tupperware! (its like the new one I just got, but its made especially for salads!) and you all know how much she loves her salads! Also, an inspirational book, "Happy thoughts for you," some nail polish, chap stick (our very favorite kind "soft lips" which is not easy to find any more" and some hand lotion" I did put in two pieces of candy, but only 2, and its ok to have a little {{chocolate}} now and then! I also did a basket for a friend Jessi, who is trying to lose weight as well, and in hers she got a cute plant growing kit, and some shampoo and conditioner, instead of the book and tupperware. 

     Please remember the holiday's we celebrate have been commercialized so bad that it is all about the buying of things, giving presents and making money. But that is not what they should be! They should be about family, loving, kindness, and sharing.  
<3 Karen


Hey All! Meg here! Happy Easter! I just wanted to share with you the adorable basket Karen sent me for doing Easter the healthy way! First of all, it has the most amazing salad lunch kit which will be perfect for me to take to school on those long day to keep my veggies cold and ensure that I'm eating healthy! It also had little goodies like an inspirational book, yummy smelling hand lotion, lip gloss, nail-polish, and my favorite deodorant [yep, haha!] for using while I run, but still feeling fresh [that stuff is pricey!!] Oh, and I also got a couple small pieces of chocolate! Because if you don't know this about me already, I LOVE chocolate. It's my achilles heel for sure. Hope you enjoy and are inspired to put together healthy fun baskets for your friends, family, or lovely sisters next year! <3 Meg

Megan's basket from Karen <3