Showing posts with label before and after. Show all posts
Showing posts with label before and after. Show all posts

Friday, February 8, 2013

{looking back: part one - karen}

 (February 8, 2013)

What happened to the motivation I had in 2011? I started that year out with so much motivation that I was able to lose 40 pounds in one year. Then 2012 came, and all was lost. So what happened? When I started my weight loss journey in 2011, I was at the heaviest weight I had ever been at: 187 pounds! I was ready to just be healthy again! I stuck to my plan and came really close to achieving my goal that year. However, in 2012 things changed when I started having some health (gi-tract) issues, then the holidays came around, and I didn't have the same drive anymore because I was at my lowest weight of 147 and I had become comfortable with my weight. Throughout 2012 I fluctuated between 147 and 157, unable to lose any more weight than I already had from the year before. My goal weight is 135 pounds, which is healthy for my height of 5'4. I'm not going to let another year pass in 2013 without progress! It's time to get my motivation back! This year I need to work on losing my last 15-20 pounds and toning my arms and tummy. Another thing I realized is that it's really important to make yourself look good in order to feel like getting out and doing things. I'm going to make an effort to do my hair and makeup, and get out more and feel more inspired to look my best!

Leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts! 