Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sick. Show all posts

Saturday, March 30, 2013

{hey girl, you're sick?}

Wow, let me just say this month has been so rough! It started off really well; I was motivated, I was exercising daily again and I was feeling really great! And then came finals-- yes, I'm talking about good old college finals (something I'm really too old to be doing, but almost done now). The stress set in, I had 4 papers to write and 3 exams, and I lost 3 whole nights of sleep. Yep, three entire nights where I didn't sleep! And so it happened, I got sick. A good two weeks of sick.

The day after finals, I miraculously recovered (of course!) and started a week of juicing and exercising again and feeling amazing! I was finally feeling stress free and started painting again! (did I mention I paint?)

Anyway, by "week" of feeling great I mean it lasted 4 days before I landed myself sick on the very day I had big plans to go to a fun hockey game! (GO KINGS!) No worries, I pushed through that! But then I was sick sick. Beyond control sick. Chest cold sick. And then my asthma kicked in and two nights ago I landed myself with 8 paramedics at my door and an ambulance ride to the hospital. Yuck!

I was prescribed prednisone, which I've been on before, and I'm totally bummed because no matter what I do I WILL GAIN WEIGHT no matter what while on it. And I'm not talking about 3 pounds. This steroid has a serious effect on me and I usually gain 15-20 lbs while on it. I'm going to stick to a VERY healthy eating regimen while on it this week and really try to maintain my weight. I cannot exercise because I can't breathe, but hopefully I'll be feeling in tip top shape soon!

I've had a lot of down time to visit blogs and one of my favorites is {{Sweetness Itself}} <--- link! by my dear friend Erin, who is more like a sister! She's posted some "Hey Girl" images which have really cracked me up and lifted my spirits, so in the spirit of Hey Girl, please enjoy!

I really had to! ^^

Haha! Super Gosling! Here's to a better week ahead! I hope you are all staying well, drinking tea, eating good healthy foods, getting sleep and having restful weeks! Be well, friends!
