Showing posts with label superbowl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label superbowl. Show all posts

Saturday, February 2, 2013

{super bowl- make it a choice}

(February 2, 2013)

Photography by Meg (Paris, France)
I wish I could say I came up with all kinds of healthy alternatives to the typical Super Bowl party food (and I know they're out there), but the truth is I haven't even tried. I am going to have a house full of people including a bunch of hungry beer-drinking men! So I have stocked up on all the "bad" foods: chicken wings, potato skins, chips & dips, hot dogs and everything else you think of as typical football party food.

I was starting to feel very stressed about how I am going to handle Sunday, but that's when I decided to make a "CHOICE" day. I'll repeat, that's {{choice}} not cheat! I have lost over 10 lbs since I started my new healthy eating plan. I do {not} plan to overeat or stuff myself, but I have decided to make the {choice} to enjoy my house party without thinking about counting calories or points.

The {key} is that I have made a promise to myself that all the leftovers the next day are {{off limits!}} I am fine with giving myself a day to indulge once in awhile, but that cannot turn into a whole weekend or longer of eating poorly. It is {so} easy to slip back into bad habits.

Well, good luck to all of you this weekend whether you are sticking to your plan or giving yourself a one day brea! Just remember, the scale will still be there next week to keep us accountable! So if you choose to let loose a bit, make sure to get back on track! No need to feel guilty about a choice day. Cheating has a negative connotation, so make sure you're making it a choice! Enjoy!
