Showing posts with label yvonne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yvonne. Show all posts

Saturday, February 23, 2013

{seventh weigh-in}

(February 23, 2013)

It's officially our week 7 weigh-in! Next week we will have our monthly measurements again, so stay tuned! Here's the breakdown:

{Megan} completed her first week of Weight Watchers and lost 2.4 lbs, weight in at 246.4.
   "FINALLY! Ha, I felt like that was never going to happen and I hope this is the change I needed."

{Yvonne} weighed in with a slight gain at 207.7
    "I expected the scale to look like this today since I kind of pigged out last night on a caramel apple w/pizza, haha. Next week!"

{Karen} weighed in with a slight gain at 151.6.
    "I've hit a plateau, but hopefully will see progress soon."

Our over all progress is going well! We've all had to make some slight {adjustments} to figure out what is working for us right now, but things are starting to fall into place and will only get better. {Everyone} will have a gain week, a plateau week, or even month sometimes! When you're on this journey it's not always going to go down consistently, but it will go down if you're patient with yourself and don't give up. You're worth it! <3 Happy weekend everyone!

Yvonne, Meg, & Karen

   {the fitness sisters}

p.s. we'd love to hear from you. You can email us at or leave a comment below! Connect with us on facebook at or on twitter at

Saturday, February 16, 2013

{sixth weigh-in}

It's Saturday again and we all know what that means! Yes, it's time to jump on the scale and see how we've done this week. Here is the breakdown:

{Yvonne} is doing amazing on Weight Watchers and lost another 1.5 pounds this week! Karen and Megan were just saying how proud we are of her for sticking to the plan and already losing nearly 15 pounds since we started this blog 6 weeks ago!
       "I'm just happy that I'm continuing to make progress!"

{Karen} lost about half a pound this week! Progress is progress- no matter what! No loss is small.
        "I'm really happy with my half pound loss this week, especially since I allowed myself to indulge on Valentine's day."

{Megan} gained this week, but will not be giving up or getting discouraged!
        "I have been trying really hard and gaining weight still. I'm going to try a new approach! My sister, Yvonne, is doing so well on Weight Watchers {WW} that I just signed up for 3 months. Hopefully we will see a difference next week!"

We {all} just want to {encourage} everyone to stick through the hard times. Weight loss doesn't always go as planned no matter how hard you try! Sometimes you just have to re-evaluate what is going on in our lives. The three of us are giving it our best shot and regardless of the results we are making the lifestyle {changes} that are healthy for our bodies! We are so proud of each of our sisters- no matter how much we've lost (or haven't). The point is, we're trying and eventually we will figure things out!

We're {so happy} to have you all along for our journey. Don't give up on yours! Don't get discouraged if things aren't going as planned. We will all get there eventually! <3 Please leave us a comment with your feedback, thoughts, encouragement, or if you'd like to share your own story!

   {the fitness sisters}

Friday, February 15, 2013

{looking back: part 2- yvonne}

I have always struggled with my weight, but not to the extreme I do now. When I was a teenager I definitely had to watch what I ate, but I wasn't overweight. Over the last few years, and {two pregnancies}, I have been up and down quite a bit with my weight and never was quite able to lose weight from my first pregnancy. This year, and another baby later, I made a commitment to myself to start a {healthy lifestyle} change. I am aware that life can get in the way of great intentions, so I'm trying to be so had on myself by "dieting," but just making overall better choices and incorporate exercise into my life. I want to be healthy and set {good examples} for my family! And let's be honest, I would love to look good in a swimsuit this summer! Two pregnancies or not, I don't want to be the chubby girl in my group of friends anymore. I look forward to seeing my {progress} this year and shopping for clothes I actually like and want to wear! Good luck to all of you out there doing the same!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

{fifth weigh-in}

(February 9, 2012)

We've made it just over a month and although it's been a bumpy start, we are all starting to settle into our new routine of living healthy.

So let's get straight to it!

{Karen} is down 2.8 lbs this week!

"This shows that just getting up and moving will get you results, can you imagine what I could have done if I had eaten right too?"

{Yvonne} lost 1.8 lbs this week!

"I'm actually shocked at my loss this week because I have not been on my best behavior with food last week. I'm going to count my blessings and refocus this week!"

{Megan} is down 1 lb this week!

"I'm really struggling with losing as much as I'd like since the beginning of this process, but I'm confident that I will find my way, just like I did in 2011."

All of us are focusing on {healthier} food choices this week! Karen and Megan are kicking it into high gear with the Couch to 5k (and 10k) programs! We will be doing a post on {running} soon. In the meantime, stay tuned for part two and three of our "looking back" blog to see what Yvonne and Megan have to say about motivation and progress. Find part one where Karen shares her story by clicking here.

You can also follow our daily progress on our twitter account: or on facebook: <3 And as {always} feel free to leave us a message below or send us an email:

   {the fitness sisters}

Saturday, February 2, 2013

{super bowl- make it a choice}

(February 2, 2013)

Photography by Meg (Paris, France)
I wish I could say I came up with all kinds of healthy alternatives to the typical Super Bowl party food (and I know they're out there), but the truth is I haven't even tried. I am going to have a house full of people including a bunch of hungry beer-drinking men! So I have stocked up on all the "bad" foods: chicken wings, potato skins, chips & dips, hot dogs and everything else you think of as typical football party food.

I was starting to feel very stressed about how I am going to handle Sunday, but that's when I decided to make a "CHOICE" day. I'll repeat, that's {{choice}} not cheat! I have lost over 10 lbs since I started my new healthy eating plan. I do {not} plan to overeat or stuff myself, but I have decided to make the {choice} to enjoy my house party without thinking about counting calories or points.

The {key} is that I have made a promise to myself that all the leftovers the next day are {{off limits!}} I am fine with giving myself a day to indulge once in awhile, but that cannot turn into a whole weekend or longer of eating poorly. It is {so} easy to slip back into bad habits.

Well, good luck to all of you this weekend whether you are sticking to your plan or giving yourself a one day brea! Just remember, the scale will still be there next week to keep us accountable! So if you choose to let loose a bit, make sure to get back on track! No need to feel guilty about a choice day. Cheating has a negative connotation, so make sure you're making it a choice! Enjoy!


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

{my slice of pizza}

(January 15, 2013)

As a mom of a two year old and three month old, I don't always have time to make extravagant dinners. In fact, sometimes it's a challenge just to make a peanut butter & jelly sandwich while in the midst of potty-training and nursing. So, although I do make an effort these days to make healthy dinners that aren't always boxed, I am still always on the lookout for something quick and easy that I can throw in the oven on a busy day. While walking the aisles of my grocery store today, I found this Kashi pizza that looked tasty and wouldn't blow my diet. For 1/3 (yes, a third!) of this pizza is only 290 calories, 9 grams of fat, and 7 Weight Watcher points. It only needs to cook for 8 minutes, which is a plus! It was actually {really} good! Even my two year old liked it. A nice quick meal! And the fact that is a {pizza} made me forget for a minute that I was on a diet. Good luck to all you mommy's out there!

P.S. Leave me a comment if you have any healthy & quick mommy meals!