Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tips. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{the first step}

(January 8, 2013)

"If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done."

I love this phrase.  For many years I said I would start my diet tomorrow (sound familiar?)  I always had great intentions, but in a moment of weakness I would eat something "off diet" which would lead to more off diet eating, sitting on the couch, feeling lazy and thinking tomorrow would be better.  But one of the {greatest} lessons I've learned so far in my fitness journey is that every day doesn't have to be perfect.  In fact, in the beginning I made a lot of mistakes!  But eating a 200 calorie candy bar didn't have to turn into being completely unhealthy the rest of the day, or not exercising at all!  Slowly, I began changing my eating habits, {listening to my body}, and not waiting for the perfect conditions!  The only way to make a change is to take the first step.  Be {present}.  Enjoy the outdoors; enjoy nature!  (Including all the different seasons!)  The conditions will most likely never be perfect, but that doesn't mean they can't be beautiful! <3 Be beautiful, be bold, and challenge yourself to be in the now.

<3, meg

5 Tiny Tips to Take your {first step}:

*Drink a glass of {water} within 20 minutes of waking up/before breakfast; it will rehydrate your body and organs & get them going!

*Put down your technology & go to {sleep} 20 minutes earlier than normal every night. So simple + it adds an extra 10 hours of sleep per month! Sleep helps you function & can increase weight loss.

*Take a few extra {steps} a day! This could mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking further away in a parking lot.  An easy choice and those extra calories burned will add up over time!

*Use smaller plates.  I love this one!  It made a huge difference for me!  This helps you {control your portions} without thinking about it! {{FUN FACT}} In the 1960s dinner plates were 9" (the size of today's salad plate) and today dinner plates have increased 3" in diameter to 12"!

*{Stretch} daily while you watch TV! 10-15 mins should be adequate <3 Stretching can help reduce stress in your life. The lower your stress levels, the easier it is to lose weight!