Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motivation. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 2 #100HealthyDays!

Dear fitness pals,

It's officially day two of the 100 Healthy Days challenge! Karen, Sean & I have committed to our workouts and healthy choices! How are you doing? If you haven't started yet, join in! We have a NEW hashtag! #TFS100HealthyDays! <-- The Fitness Sisters' 100 Healthy Days.

Our posts are a day behind which allows us to collaborate & send our photos of food/workouts to each other. Some of us have to workout late at night, so it's almost impossible to get the blog up the same day! But not to worry, we are still here!

Day two update!
Sean- Rode his bike for a total of about 5 miles today for exercise. He also tracked and was within calories.

Megan- Worked out at the gym doing cardio & strength training! She also was within calories.

Karen- Made healthy food choices throughout the day and did some power cardio!

Looking forward to taking this journey with everyone. Hope to hear from you!


{the fitness sisters + sean}

Friday, April 26, 2013

{thunder storms}

We live every day, doing our normal {{routine}} getting up, eating breakfast, going to work or school, come home eat dinner, try to get a work out in, and go to bed. Today as I sit at home watching out my window, the thunderstorm that is passing thru, drinking some tea and watching a movie, I am thinking about the daily routine we go thru.

We have to be the {{change}} we want! We have to do the things we want, when we want! Go out and do something, go dance in the rain! Go ride your bike in on the beach, sing on the porch, do anything as long as its for your self! We are too often caught up in just surviving our day to day lives. 

What will happen when you do this? It will make you feel better, make you want to be healthier! Make you a much happier person in general! and happy people lose weight faster then sad and depressed people! 

So let what ever storm happening in your life be the reminder you may need to get up and make your life the way you want it to be.

<3 Karen 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


(January 9, 2013)

Happy hump day from {The Fitness Sisters} <3

Today's post is just a tiny tidbit of encouragement as we reach this midpoint in the week.  For me, Wednesdays have always symbolized the midpoint- when something is halfway over. As I think about my weight loss progress, it reminds me of a Wednesday.  I have already made it halfway…{{over halfway}} to my goal weight!  It hasn't been easy, and I've had some huge plateaus and setbacks, but nothing is going to stop me.  It reminds me of this quote: "The question isn't who is going to let me, it's who is going to stop me?"- Ayn Rand.  Don't let anyone get in the way of your happiness and your goals, and most of all: don't let yourself get in the way!


I would like to share with you some of the "in progress" photos of Karen and I since 2010. This before/after video is such a good reminder of where we started and how far we've come {and where we are going!}

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{the first step}

(January 8, 2013)

"If you wait for perfect conditions, you'll never get anything done."

I love this phrase.  For many years I said I would start my diet tomorrow (sound familiar?)  I always had great intentions, but in a moment of weakness I would eat something "off diet" which would lead to more off diet eating, sitting on the couch, feeling lazy and thinking tomorrow would be better.  But one of the {greatest} lessons I've learned so far in my fitness journey is that every day doesn't have to be perfect.  In fact, in the beginning I made a lot of mistakes!  But eating a 200 calorie candy bar didn't have to turn into being completely unhealthy the rest of the day, or not exercising at all!  Slowly, I began changing my eating habits, {listening to my body}, and not waiting for the perfect conditions!  The only way to make a change is to take the first step.  Be {present}.  Enjoy the outdoors; enjoy nature!  (Including all the different seasons!)  The conditions will most likely never be perfect, but that doesn't mean they can't be beautiful! <3 Be beautiful, be bold, and challenge yourself to be in the now.

<3, meg

5 Tiny Tips to Take your {first step}:

*Drink a glass of {water} within 20 minutes of waking up/before breakfast; it will rehydrate your body and organs & get them going!

*Put down your technology & go to {sleep} 20 minutes earlier than normal every night. So simple + it adds an extra 10 hours of sleep per month! Sleep helps you function & can increase weight loss.

*Take a few extra {steps} a day! This could mean taking the stairs instead of the elevator or parking further away in a parking lot.  An easy choice and those extra calories burned will add up over time!

*Use smaller plates.  I love this one!  It made a huge difference for me!  This helps you {control your portions} without thinking about it! {{FUN FACT}} In the 1960s dinner plates were 9" (the size of today's salad plate) and today dinner plates have increased 3" in diameter to 12"!

*{Stretch} daily while you watch TV! 10-15 mins should be adequate <3 Stretching can help reduce stress in your life. The lower your stress levels, the easier it is to lose weight!