Showing posts with label body image. Show all posts
Showing posts with label body image. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 2 #100HealthyDays!

Dear fitness pals,

It's officially day two of the 100 Healthy Days challenge! Karen, Sean & I have committed to our workouts and healthy choices! How are you doing? If you haven't started yet, join in! We have a NEW hashtag! #TFS100HealthyDays! <-- The Fitness Sisters' 100 Healthy Days.

Our posts are a day behind which allows us to collaborate & send our photos of food/workouts to each other. Some of us have to workout late at night, so it's almost impossible to get the blog up the same day! But not to worry, we are still here!

Day two update!
Sean- Rode his bike for a total of about 5 miles today for exercise. He also tracked and was within calories.

Megan- Worked out at the gym doing cardio & strength training! She also was within calories.

Karen- Made healthy food choices throughout the day and did some power cardio!

Looking forward to taking this journey with everyone. Hope to hear from you!


{the fitness sisters + sean}

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

{body image}

     The world today is all about "skinny this" and "thin that" but the true {{beauty}} is all about how you see your self! I am sick and tired of the world saying what is pretty or not. The reason I want to lose this weight is to be healthy not "skinny." 

     I wish we could all realize that our weight is just a number.  The important thing is to love the way you look and be healthy. I want to work out, and be able to do the activities that my nephew wants me to do with him. I want to be able to go walk on the {{beach}} or ride a bike around an island, or even play on a softball team. 

     As you all know I just started a new job. I have been talking to my co-workers, and I had heard a rumor about the insurance we have at work requires us to submit our weight to them or we will be charged more. Most people are absolutely furious about it. I think it is a great way to get people to actually start taking care of themsleves. I don't think they should necessarily be charged more because they are over weight. But the insurance also offers to pay for {{gym memberships}} and other alternatives to becoming healthy! It is time to make a change in the world, not because we need to be pretty, but because we need to be healthy!! All three of us sisters used to be smokers, but have all quit, not because of any other reason except to be healthy! And now we are losing this weight to be healthy, to love ourselves, to be able to be active in our lives, and to be confident in ourselves no matter what the scale says! I am going to start loving my self! Will you start loving yourself?

<3 Karen

P.S. Here's some inspirational messages I found on pinterest and google for you all! <3