Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label progress. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Day 2 #100HealthyDays!

Dear fitness pals,

It's officially day two of the 100 Healthy Days challenge! Karen, Sean & I have committed to our workouts and healthy choices! How are you doing? If you haven't started yet, join in! We have a NEW hashtag! #TFS100HealthyDays! <-- The Fitness Sisters' 100 Healthy Days.

Our posts are a day behind which allows us to collaborate & send our photos of food/workouts to each other. Some of us have to workout late at night, so it's almost impossible to get the blog up the same day! But not to worry, we are still here!

Day two update!
Sean- Rode his bike for a total of about 5 miles today for exercise. He also tracked and was within calories.

Megan- Worked out at the gym doing cardio & strength training! She also was within calories.

Karen- Made healthy food choices throughout the day and did some power cardio!

Looking forward to taking this journey with everyone. Hope to hear from you!


{the fitness sisters + sean}

Sunday, March 17, 2013


I can't believe it's already half way through {{March}}. At the beginning of the month we started our FAB-ABS workout program to try and help kickstart our workouts and flatten our tummies during March. You can find the link to it =>here<= if you would like to do it yourself!

Even though it's been a stressful month, I've stuck to the program (because it only takes about 10 minutes a day!) and so far it seems pretty successful. I'm not trying to say I have a washboard stomach or anything, haha! But, I think I notice a bit of a difference. I thought I'd share some before & in-progress photos for you to enjoy. Let us know if you see a difference! {{not easy to post these!}}

Sometimes I get so overwhelmed at the {{big picture}} and how far I have to go, that I forget to see and {{appreciate}} the little changes along the way. So thankful for the small changes and my beautiful sisters and friends that I get to share this journey with <3

{{Karen}} is doing great! She's been super committed to her workout routine even though she just started a new job and has to do a modified version due to  a shoulder injury. I'm proud of you girl!

I've been sticking to the program every day, and I actually don't think it's challenging enough, but I still see progress which is great! OH! The {{plank pose}} is SO HARD! I can only do 52 seconds straight so far, and it HURTS! In a good way!

{{Yvonne}} got a late start, but is getting her work out started! These are her before photos and she'll be sharing her afters sometime in April! It's so hard with a brand new baby and a toddler but I know she can do it! Do it, sister! <3

Karen and I will share our after photos at the end of the month and we can't wait to see what another couple weeks does for our progress! Join in now if you'd like or wait for our next challenge in April. If you started the challenge with us, we'd love to share your before/after photos right here on our blog!

Stay fit friends!