Saturday, February 9, 2013

{fifth weigh-in}

(February 9, 2012)

We've made it just over a month and although it's been a bumpy start, we are all starting to settle into our new routine of living healthy.

So let's get straight to it!

{Karen} is down 2.8 lbs this week!

"This shows that just getting up and moving will get you results, can you imagine what I could have done if I had eaten right too?"

{Yvonne} lost 1.8 lbs this week!

"I'm actually shocked at my loss this week because I have not been on my best behavior with food last week. I'm going to count my blessings and refocus this week!"

{Megan} is down 1 lb this week!

"I'm really struggling with losing as much as I'd like since the beginning of this process, but I'm confident that I will find my way, just like I did in 2011."

All of us are focusing on {healthier} food choices this week! Karen and Megan are kicking it into high gear with the Couch to 5k (and 10k) programs! We will be doing a post on {running} soon. In the meantime, stay tuned for part two and three of our "looking back" blog to see what Yvonne and Megan have to say about motivation and progress. Find part one where Karen shares her story by clicking here.

You can also follow our daily progress on our twitter account: or on facebook: <3 And as {always} feel free to leave us a message below or send us an email:

   {the fitness sisters}


  1. Hey guys, I love reading this stuff. Keep it up, small successes all the time are what add up to amazing things. I'm following you guys with interest and if there is anything I can do to help just hit me up.

    Cheers to you for wanting to be healthy and making a change, you are going to inspire a ton of people.

    1. Hi Lauren! Thank you for checking out our blog. Your encouragement really means ton to us! We are just trying to be healthy and natural! :) You're right, baby steps! Thanks again! Look forward to talking more with you!

    2. I'm looking forward to seeing the awesome progress :)
