Showing posts with label sisters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sisters. Show all posts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

{eighth weigh-in}

Hello all <3

We are a day late with our weigh-in, but here it is! It's a short post today, but let's break it down!

{Karen} had a gain this week.
      "I'm really mad about my gain, but I'll just try harder next week!"

{Yvonne} lost 3.4 lbs. Wow!
      "I'm happy to be dropping again, but I need to work on consistency with exercise."

{Megan} maintained her weight from last week.
      "I expected to maintain or gain this week. I was terrible and totally off points/cals (meaning, I ate olive garden and johnny rockets) haha. I'm SO SERIOUS about losing now."

Megan & Karen are doing the Abs SO Fab challenge. <----LINK! We will be posting before photos soon. Want to join? Send us your photos! Or leave a comment, we'd love to hear from you!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

{new beginnings}

(February 6, 2013)

In 2011, we were highly motivated to get healthy. Seriously get healthy with lifestyle changes! Megan began her journey at the beginning of 2011 and Karen joined her shortly after. They lost 100 lbs and 40 lbs respectively during the course of the year. And then the year ended.

For all three of us 2012 was a really rough year health-wise. Not only did we not meet our fitness goals, but we also had some genuine health issues which delayed our progress.

Karen battled some serious GI issues as well as a car accident injury.

Both Megan & Yvonne had their gallbladders removed in late 2011 & early 2012.

Megan battled food-related OCD as well as ongoing PCOS and a large ovarian cyst unrelated to the latter.

Yvonne became pregnant (which is not a health issue! But definitely delays weight loss!) -- she has two beautiful children now <3

After a year of on and off road blocks in the realm of health and fitness, we all fell off the band wagon. We all gained weight over the holidays. We tried to hit reset a couple of times but, we seemed to have lost our motivation. In the next few blogs we are each going to take the time to talk to you a little about our inspiration in the past, our lack of motivation in 2012, and our future goals. Because it's {{TIME!}} We hope you read our stories and share yours.

{the fitness sisters}

{january vlog}

(February 6, 2013)

Hello friends <3

Last month was a little rough for me (Meg) and Karen, but Yvonne did amazing and lost a total of 7.5 lbs using Weight Watchers, and we are so proud of her! Hopefully this month we all will see great results!

After hours of editing videos, our weight loss vlog, "Losing It," is {{finally}} up on YouTube! But I'm going to put it here for all of you. If you want to subscribe to our YouTube account you can do so by clicking this heart <3. All of the videos are organized by playlist (we have two previous seasons!) Or you can click on the "vlog" tab above for easy access.


Please leave us a comment, subscribe, and share if you desire to do so! <3 We {{always}} love to hear from you beautiful people!


Saturday, February 2, 2013

{fourth weigh-in}

We've officially made it to our one month weigh-in! Honestly, some of us have not had the progress that we hoped to have for our first month, so for February we need to reevaluate what's going on and try again. There will always be ups and downs in this process and that's part of changing your lifestyle. This isn't about a fad, it's about a real change and we will persevere even through the rough spots.

Because we are at our one month, we will be sharing measurements as well.

{Karen} gained this week but has maintained her weight for the month. She did however lose a total of {2 inches} from her waist, bust and thigh and bicep.

Waist 37 in, {Hips 42 in}, 
Bust 38 in, {Chest 34  in}, 
Thigh 24 1/2 in, {Calf 14 1/2 in}, Bicep 13 in

"I'm glad I only gained a couple of pounds this week because I had a really bad week and I took it out on food. In February I'm going to work really hard to get on track."

{Yvonne} lost 3.2 lbs this week, putting her at a total loss of 7.5 lbs for the month, yay! She lost a total of {4 inches} this month!

Waist 43 in, {Hips 45 in}, 
Bust 48, {Chest 36}, 
Thigh 25 1/2 in, {Calf 16 1/2 in}, Bicep 13 1/2in.

{Megan} lost two pounds this week and maintained her weight for the month. She lost {1.5 inches}.
Waist 43, {Hips 48.5 in}, 
Bust 44, {Chest 39.5}, 
Thigh 30 in, {Calf 18 3/4 in}, Bicep 15 in.

"I am disappointed with my results this month, but I am not going to beat myself up over it. I plan on making the most of February and exercising regularly to see if that changes my results."

As always, feel free to {comment} below or send us an email! We would love to hear your thoughts and stories. We are a community, a sisterhood, a support system! <3

Saturday, January 26, 2013

{third weigh-in}

(January 26, 2013)

We are {so} sorry for the blog post going up so late tonight. It has been a crazy day for all three of us. But as promised, here is our weigh-in. Please be {kind}.

A quick summary!

{Karen} maintained her weight this week.
"I'm disappointed that I didn't lose any weight this week, but I know it's because I wasn't as disciplined as I should have been."

{Megan} gained this week, but is relating it to her cycle.
"I'm really frustrated that I haven't been losing any weight. I know there are other health issues at work here, but I'm still displeased with this week."

{Yvonne} lost half a pound this week! We're all so happy that she's doing well on Weight Watchers!
"As much as I like to see the numbers drop fast on the scale, I'm happy with my weigh-in this week. As long as I'm making progress, a little or a lot, I know I will reach my goal."

That's so true, sis! You are {inspiring}!

We have some really great blogs coming up, so we hope you'll stay tuned! Meg will be speaking out about living with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), as well.

We really hope that you are enjoying our blog so far. We'd like to emphasize that we know our weights are up and down and that the point is to show everyone that it is not an easy journey, but it's a journey that has to be taken. We need to take control of our bodies; of our health.

Leave us a comment below; we try to answer them all! And as always, we would {LOVE} to hear from you, your advice, encouragement, or about your own journey. <3 Stay strong, friends!

Megan, Yvonne, & Karen

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

{what's for breakfast?}

Everybody always talks about how important it is to eat breakfast. It's true! But let's first talk about {water} in the morning. I always drink a glass of water when I first wake up because it helps rehydrate my organs after being asleep all night, gets my body going, and keeps me from eating a high calorie breakfast. 
photography by {meg}

It's still {so} important to eat breakfast though! Breakfast helps with stabilizing our {moods}, concentration, and keeps your body from thinking it's starving after having already not eaten all night long. So we decided to tell you our favorite breakfast meals that are {{HEALTHY}} and easy for girls on the go! (And for boys too!) <3

{Karen} likes to eat oatmeal and strawberries on a morning that she needs to get out of the house quickly. This high fiber meal only takes about 5 minutes to prepare and ranges from 100-200 calories. Yummers! On a day where she has more time, she likes to prepare an egg sauteed with some fresh bell peppers!

{Megan} Likes an egg with fresh fruit in the morning for a low-carb breakfast! She also has a weak spot for coffee, so you will almost always find that alongside her breakfast plate. This breakfast is about 200 calories.

{Yvonne} loves to have a piece of toast with a smear of peanut butter & banana in the morning. It's her healthy breakfast of choice and is only between 200-300 calories.

What are some of our favorite things to eat in the morning? Leave us a comment and let us know! We would love to try new things :)

meg, yvonne, & karen

Saturday, January 19, 2013

{second weigh-in}

(January 19, 2013)

Another week has come and gone and we all made it through our first official week of our commitment to healthy eating. Today is {Saturday} and that means our second weigh-in and we are sharing it with you!

We have all had an extremely busy week, but made sure to really try and make healthy choices. Yvonne shared a tip with us last week about {healthy} quick dinners! Be sure to check out her post {my slice of pizza.} Karen has been drinking more water and fruit, and Megan has been bringing raw {veggies} with hummus as a snack on her long days.

If you're just joining our {community} here is a re-cap of how we've done this week.

{Karen} lost 2.4 pounds this week!
     "This week went really well as far as the choices I made, and I'm really happy with the result of my weigh-in!"

{Yvonne} lost 3.8 pounds this week!
      "I feel great about my weigh-in this week! I don't expect to lose this much every week but very nice to see progress for making smart choices throughout the week!"

{Megan} maintained her weight this week.
      "I made really healthy choices this week and began my exercise program, however I had two off days where I was over calories and it shows because I didn't lose weight this week. It only gives me more motivation to do better next week and buckle down during those tough moments!"

We all did {so good} making healthier choices this week and would {absolutely} love if you left us an encouraging comment or question below!

meg, karen, & yvonne

Monday, January 7, 2013


(January 7, 2013)

Sisters are the most amazing friends on earth <3

We are The Fitness Sisters and we warmly welcome you into our sisterhood/brotherhood {boys ARE allowed}. There are three of us: Megan, Yvonne, & Karen (in whichever order you prefer!) We are all in/or entering our early 30s and have decided to band together to support each other with our weight loss goals. Karen & I (Megan) started in 2011 and have both lost a significant amount of weight already! This is our year to push through and meet our ultimate goals! Yvonne, a mommy of two, has joined in this year to lose her pregnancy weight and get her pre-mommy body back. Please check out our bios for more personal information!

We want to share our enthusiasm and support for health and fitness with everyone else on a similar journey or just interested in being healthy!

As of January 2013 we are resuming a fitness vlog {reality video blog} that Karen and I started in 2011. Yvonne is our newest member and we couldn't be more thrilled! <3 Every two weeks we will post our newest videos to this blog! You can watch us go about our daily lives and see the tough decisions we have to make in order to meet our goals!

In addition, we will be posting here regularly about our progress, tips, food ideas, fitness plans, funny anecdotes, and just life on the road to being fun, fit & fabulous!

Check in every Saturday for our weekly weigh-in's where we hop on the scale and take a photo! {{brave faces}} We will also be posting measurements, so stay tuned!

We hope that you find this a WARM, {loving}, ACCEPTING, {{supportive}} place to share your own stories and journey. We would love to hear from you, swap tips and ideas, and build friendships. There are multiple ways to get in touch with us! Please visit our contact page! Or leave us a comment below!

Please be patient while we build this community together; it's still a work in progress. We are so happy to share our journey with you and hope you will share yours with us or at least give us support along the way!! We all have some really big hurdles to jump and we can definitely use a few cheerleaders!