Saturday, February 2, 2013

{fourth weigh-in}

We've officially made it to our one month weigh-in! Honestly, some of us have not had the progress that we hoped to have for our first month, so for February we need to reevaluate what's going on and try again. There will always be ups and downs in this process and that's part of changing your lifestyle. This isn't about a fad, it's about a real change and we will persevere even through the rough spots.

Because we are at our one month, we will be sharing measurements as well.

{Karen} gained this week but has maintained her weight for the month. She did however lose a total of {2 inches} from her waist, bust and thigh and bicep.

Waist 37 in, {Hips 42 in}, 
Bust 38 in, {Chest 34  in}, 
Thigh 24 1/2 in, {Calf 14 1/2 in}, Bicep 13 in

"I'm glad I only gained a couple of pounds this week because I had a really bad week and I took it out on food. In February I'm going to work really hard to get on track."

{Yvonne} lost 3.2 lbs this week, putting her at a total loss of 7.5 lbs for the month, yay! She lost a total of {4 inches} this month!

Waist 43 in, {Hips 45 in}, 
Bust 48, {Chest 36}, 
Thigh 25 1/2 in, {Calf 16 1/2 in}, Bicep 13 1/2in.

{Megan} lost two pounds this week and maintained her weight for the month. She lost {1.5 inches}.
Waist 43, {Hips 48.5 in}, 
Bust 44, {Chest 39.5}, 
Thigh 30 in, {Calf 18 3/4 in}, Bicep 15 in.

"I am disappointed with my results this month, but I am not going to beat myself up over it. I plan on making the most of February and exercising regularly to see if that changes my results."

As always, feel free to {comment} below or send us an email! We would love to hear your thoughts and stories. We are a community, a sisterhood, a support system! <3


  1. Inches are better than pounds IMO. Are you guys working with a trainer or nutritionist?

    1. Hi Carli :) Thank you for the encouraging words. You're right, inches definitely are a great sign of progress! That's the reason we've decided to do measurements monthly as well. Unfortunately none of us are able to afford trainers at this time. Hopefully at some point we will be able to work with some professionals though; I think that would be an amazing opportunity.
