Saturday, January 26, 2013

{third weigh-in}

(January 26, 2013)

We are {so} sorry for the blog post going up so late tonight. It has been a crazy day for all three of us. But as promised, here is our weigh-in. Please be {kind}.

A quick summary!

{Karen} maintained her weight this week.
"I'm disappointed that I didn't lose any weight this week, but I know it's because I wasn't as disciplined as I should have been."

{Megan} gained this week, but is relating it to her cycle.
"I'm really frustrated that I haven't been losing any weight. I know there are other health issues at work here, but I'm still displeased with this week."

{Yvonne} lost half a pound this week! We're all so happy that she's doing well on Weight Watchers!
"As much as I like to see the numbers drop fast on the scale, I'm happy with my weigh-in this week. As long as I'm making progress, a little or a lot, I know I will reach my goal."

That's so true, sis! You are {inspiring}!

We have some really great blogs coming up, so we hope you'll stay tuned! Meg will be speaking out about living with PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), as well.

We really hope that you are enjoying our blog so far. We'd like to emphasize that we know our weights are up and down and that the point is to show everyone that it is not an easy journey, but it's a journey that has to be taken. We need to take control of our bodies; of our health.

Leave us a comment below; we try to answer them all! And as always, we would {LOVE} to hear from you, your advice, encouragement, or about your own journey. <3 Stay strong, friends!

Megan, Yvonne, & Karen


  1. I love to see posts like this where people can just be honest about how hard a weight loss journey can be. I'm also interested and excited to hear more about Megan and living with PCOS. I just found out I have it like a year or so ago and I'm realizing just how much it affects my weight.
    Keep doing what you're doing. Ya'll are doing great! :)

    1. Hi Quinn! We're so happy you read our blog :) thank you so much for the support! I was diagnosed with PCOS about 13 years ago so I have tons to say! I'm going to try to get my blog up about it sometime this week or early next week just so you know! It definitely affects a girl's weight! If you want to talk about it privately, you are always free to email me as well at :)
