Tuesday, January 22, 2013

{what's for breakfast?}

Everybody always talks about how important it is to eat breakfast. It's true! But let's first talk about {water} in the morning. I always drink a glass of water when I first wake up because it helps rehydrate my organs after being asleep all night, gets my body going, and keeps me from eating a high calorie breakfast. 
photography by {meg}

It's still {so} important to eat breakfast though! Breakfast helps with stabilizing our {moods}, concentration, and keeps your body from thinking it's starving after having already not eaten all night long. So we decided to tell you our favorite breakfast meals that are {{HEALTHY}} and easy for girls on the go! (And for boys too!) <3

{Karen} likes to eat oatmeal and strawberries on a morning that she needs to get out of the house quickly. This high fiber meal only takes about 5 minutes to prepare and ranges from 100-200 calories. Yummers! On a day where she has more time, she likes to prepare an egg sauteed with some fresh bell peppers!

{Megan} Likes an egg with fresh fruit in the morning for a low-carb breakfast! She also has a weak spot for coffee, so you will almost always find that alongside her breakfast plate. This breakfast is about 200 calories.

{Yvonne} loves to have a piece of toast with a smear of peanut butter & banana in the morning. It's her healthy breakfast of choice and is only between 200-300 calories.

What are some of our favorite things to eat in the morning? Leave us a comment and let us know! We would love to try new things :)

meg, yvonne, & karen


  1. I love oatmeal for breakfast too, is my go-to choice for weekends and I have it with banana and peanut butter. During the week I have a smoothie - 1/2 frozen banana and fruit with chia, greens powder, maca, protein powder, PB, almond milk and flax oil. It's so delicious and keeps me full for ages :)

    1. Kristin! Thank you so much for sharing that :) that smoothie sounds sooo {delicious}!!! I'm going to have to give it a try!

  2. Would you believe its special K / oatmeal for healthy times but when my home cravings kick in its plantains and sardines?
    Greeting from google plus.

    1. I've never had plantains! Sardines for breakfast? That's pretty awesome! I love oatmeal too, so yummy. I'm so happy you found us on google plus! I just checked out your site, it looks amazing! :)
