Sunday, March 3, 2013

{eighth weigh-in}

Hello all <3

We are a day late with our weigh-in, but here it is! It's a short post today, but let's break it down!

{Karen} had a gain this week.
      "I'm really mad about my gain, but I'll just try harder next week!"

{Yvonne} lost 3.4 lbs. Wow!
      "I'm happy to be dropping again, but I need to work on consistency with exercise."

{Megan} maintained her weight from last week.
      "I expected to maintain or gain this week. I was terrible and totally off points/cals (meaning, I ate olive garden and johnny rockets) haha. I'm SO SERIOUS about losing now."

Megan & Karen are doing the Abs SO Fab challenge. <----LINK! We will be posting before photos soon. Want to join? Send us your photos! Or leave a comment, we'd love to hear from you!


  1. You girls gotta eat LEGIT fruits and vegetables. Stuff your face with them! Don't ever give up. I believe in you!

    1. Thanks Philip! I (Meg) just finished doing a 3 day juice feast which was amazing! I followed it by fruits and veggies with juice and protein shakes. So yum! We're really trying to eat more fruits and veggies!
