Saturday, March 9, 2013

{ninth weigh-in}

Hello {sweet} friends!

I'm sorry we didn't get an mid-week blog up this week, but things have been a little crazy and I've [Meg] been super sick :( so sad.

None of us had the best week as far as {results} but that doesn't mean that we stopped trying or that we're giving up. In fact Meg & Karen have been doing really well with the Ab Workout Program that you can find here: {{Abs So Fab}} <---- Link.

Here's our break down!

{Karen} maintained her weight this week.
     "I'm glad I didn't gain this week, but frustrated that I didn't lose. I was "on" calories every day. I'm just going to keep pushing forward and hope for better results next week!"

{Yvonne} had a slight gain this week.
     "I'm not surprised I weigh a little more today because I started my period yesterday for the first time since I had my son in October. I'm feeling very bloated today :("

{Megan} gained this week.
     "I have a thousand things I could say-- but I won't. I gained because I didn't stay within points everyday and on the days that I was in points, I didn't make great food choices. I'm sick of excuses. I'm going back to a cleaner way of eating."

So there you have it! We would {love} to hear how you're doing! Drop us an email at or leave a comment below. <3 If you'd like to join our AB CHALLENGE, jump on in [or start it now and extend into next month] :)

Take care dear friends!
Megan, Karen, & Yvonne
aka T.F.S
     {the fitness sisters}


  1. That's the way to go ladies, keep pushing and the results will follow. This is how it always is with weight loss, at first its a little easy but then it gets difficult, that is when the true test begins.

    1. Thank you Gene! Your support is really appreciated! It has definitely been a test of our will power and it's not easy, but living healthy is SO worth it in the long run :) so happy to have people like you to share our journey with!
